You can override any of the BREAD views for a single BREAD by creating a new folder in resources/views/vendor/voyager/slug-name
where slug-name is the slug that you have assigned for that table. There are 4 files that you can override:
Alternatively you can override the views for all BREADs by creating any of the above files under resources/views/vendor/voyager/bread
You can override the controller for a single BREAD by creating a controller which extends Voyagers controller, for example:
After that go to the BREAD-settings and fill in the Controller Name with your fully-qualified class-name:
You can now override all methods from the VoyagerBaseController
If you want to override any of Voyagers core controllers you first have to change your config file config/voyager.php
Then run php artisan voyager:controllers
, Voyager will now use the child controllers which will be created at App/Http/Controllers/Voyager
You are also able to override Voyagers models if you need to. To do so, you need to add the following to your AppServiceProviders register method:
Where name is the class-name of the model and object the fully-qualified name of your custom model. For example:
The next step is to create your model and make it extend the original model. In case of DataRow