Media Picker

The media picker formfield allows you to upload/delete/select files directly from the media-manager. You can customize the behaviour with the following options:

    "max": 10,
    "min": 0,
    "expanded": true,
    "show_folders": true,
    "show_toolbar": true,
    "allow_upload": true,
    "allow_move": true,
    "allow_delete": true,
    "allow_create_folder": true,
    "allow_rename": true,
    "allow_crop": true,
    "allowed": [],
    "hide_thumbnails": false,
    "quality": 90,
    "watermark": {
        "source": "...",
        "position": "top-left",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0

Allowed types

If you want your users to only be able to upload specific file-types you can do so by passing an object with mime-types to the `allowed` prop, for example:

["image", "audio", "video"]


["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/bmp"]


The base_path and rename can contain the following placeholders:

  • {pk} the primary-key of the entry (only for base_path)

  • {uid} the user-id of the current logged-in user

  • {date:format} the current date in the format defined in format. For example {date:d.m.Y}

  • {random:10} random string with N characters

So a base_path can, for example, look like the following:

    "base_path": "/my-bread/{pk}/{date:Y}/{date:m}/"


A watermark can be added to uploaded images. To do so, you need to define a source property relative to Voyagers storage-disk. There are a few optional arguments you can use: position the position where the watermark is placed. Can be:

  • top-left (default)

  • top

  • top-right

  • left

  • center

  • right

  • bottom-left

  • bottom

  • bottom-right

x Relative offset to the position on the x-axis. Defaults to 0

y Relative offset to the position on the y-axis. Defaults to 0

size the size (in percent) of the watermark relative to the image. Defaults to 15


You can generate thumbnails for each uploaded image. A thumbnail can be one of three types:


Fit combines cropping and resizing to find the best way to generate a thumbnail matching your dimensions. You have to pass width and can pass height and position. An example for fit would be:

    "thumbnails": [
            "type": "fit",
            "name": "fit-500",
            "width": 500, // Required
            "height": 500, // Optional
            "position": "center" // Optional. Refer to


Crop an image by given dimensions and position. You have to pass width and height and can pass x and y. An example for crop would be:

    "thumbnails": [
            "type": "crop",
            "name": "crop-500-500",
            "width": 500, // Required
            "height": 500, // Required
            "x": 50, // Optional. Left offset
            "y": 50, // Optional. Top offset


Resize the image to the given dimensions. You have to pass width and/or height. Some examples for resize:

    "thumbnails": [
        // Width will be 500px, height will be calculated based on the aspect-ratio
            "type": "resize",
            "name": "resize-500",
            "width": 500,
            "upsize": true, // Optional. Set to false to prevent upsizing
        // Resizes the image to 500x500px
            "type": "resize",
            "name": "resize-500-500",
            "width": 500,
            "height": 500
        // Height will be 500px, width will be auto-calculated
            "type": "resize",
            "name": "resize-500",
            "width": null,
            "height": 500

A watermark can also be inserted into each thumbnail. Just define the watermark-options on the parent and set watermark to true for each thumbnail you want to insert the watermark to.

Last updated