
Formfields are the hearth of Voyagers BREAD-system. Each formfield represents a field in your database-table and one input (or output) in BREAD. To tweak your formfields you can insert JSON options which are described in the following pages.

All formfields share a handful options:


All types can include a description in order to help your future self or other users using your Voyager admin panel to understand exactly what a specific BREAD input field is for, this can be defined in the Optional Details JSON input field:

    "description": "A helpful description text here for your future self."

Display options

There are also a few options that you can include to change the way your BREAD is displayed. You can add a display key to your json object and change the width of the particular field and even specify a custom ID.

    "display": {
        "width": "3",
        "id": "custom_id"

The width is displayed on a 12-grid system. Setting it with a width of 3 will span 25% of the width.

The id will let you specify a custom id wrapper around your element. example:

<div id="custom_id">
    <!-- Your field element -->

Default value

Most formfields allow you to define a default value when adding an entry:

    "default" : "Default text"

Null Values

You might want to save an input field into the database as a null value instead of an empty string.

Simply enough, inside the BREAD you can include the following Optional Details for the field:

    "null": ""

This will turn an empty string into a null value. However you might want to be able to add both an empty string and a null value to the database for that field. However you have to choose a replacement for the null value, but it can be anything you wish. For example, if you want a field to change a string (ex. Nothing) into a null value you could include the following Optional Details for that field:

    "null": "Nothing"

Now entering Nothing into the field will end up as a null value in the database.

Generating Slugs

Using the bread builder you may wish to automatically generate slugs of a certain input. Lets say you have some posts, which have a title and a slug. If you want to automatically generate the slug from the title attribute, you may include the following Optional Details:

    "slugify": {
        "origin": "title",
        "forceUpdate": true

This will automatically generate the slug from the input of the title field. If a slug does already exists, it will only be updated if forceUpdate is set enabled, by default this is disabled.

Custom view

You can specify a custom view to be used for a formfield. To do so, you have to specify the view attribute for your desired field:

    "view": "my_view"

This will then load my_view from resources/views instead of the formfield.

You get plenty of data passed to your view for you to use:

  • $action can be browse, read, edit, add or order

  • $content the content for this field

  • $dataType the DataType

  • $dataTypeContent the whole model-instance

  • $row the DataRow

Developing a custom formfield? If you are developing a custom formfield and want to customize any of the views, you can do so by merging view into $options in your formfields createContent() method.

Last updated