Roles and Permissions

Voyager comes with Roles and Permissions out of the box. Each User has a Role which has a set of Permissions.

Inside of the dashboard you can choose to Add, Edit, or delete the current Roles. Additionally when you click to edit a particular role you can specify the BREAD permissions.

New in version 1.0, we've changed Voyager's authorization system to be more in line with Laravel! This means that you can check for permissions in the following ways:

// via user object
$canViewPost = $user->can('read', $post);
$canViewPost = Auth::user()->can('read', $post);

// via controller
$canViewPost = $this->authorize('read', $post);

Out of the box there are some permissions you can use by default:

  • browse_admin: Whether or not the user may browse the Voyager admin panel.

  • browse_database: Whether or not the user may browse the Voyager database menu section.

  • browse_bread: Whether or not the user may browse the Voyager BREAD menu section.

  • browse_media: Whether or not the user may browse the Voyager media section.

  • browse_menu: Whether or not the user may browse the Voyager menu section.

  • browse_settings: Whether or not the user may browse the Voyager settings section.

  • read_settings: Whether or not the user can view or see a particular setting.

  • edit_settings: Whether or not the user can edit a particular setting.

  • add_settings: Whether or not the user can add a new setting.

  • delete_settings: Whether or not the user can delete a particular setting.

Additionally you can Generate permissions for every BREAD type you create. This will create the browse, read, edit, add and delete permission.

As an example, perhaps we are creating a new BREAD type from a products table. If we choose to Generate permissions for our products table. Our permission keys will be browse_products, read_products, edit_products, add_products and delete_products.

Notice If a menu item is associated with any kind of BREAD, then it will check for the browse permission, for example for the Posts BREAD menu item, it will check for the browse_posts permission. If the user does not have the required permission, that menu item will be hidden.

Creating permissions for custom page

If you create a custom page and you want only allow specific user roles to access it, you may use permissions.

This only works if your slug comes directly after /admin/. So for a custom page of the form /admin/sub/foo the menu item will not be hidden from the menu.

Create permission

First, create a permission in the permissions table (you could use BREAD for example, model name is TCG\Voyager\Models\Permission). The column table_name should be set to null. The column key should be of the form browse_slug where slug has to be replaced with the actual slug of your custom page. For example, to restrict access to your custom page with url /admin/create_bill you may create the permission browse_create_bill.

Set role

Check the permission for each role that you wish to grant access to the site at admin/roles. In the above example you would find a new checkbox called "Browse Create Bill". If a user does not have the required permission, the menu item leading to your custom page will be hidden.

Customize controller

You may create your own gate

Gate::define(`browse_create_bill`, function ($user) {
    return $user->hasPermission(`browse_create_bill`);

to use authorize in your controller:

public function index()

If you do so, make sure add the custom guard to your controller:

   * Get the guard to be used during authentication.
   * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard
  protected function guard()
      return Auth::guard(app('VoyagerGuard'));

Using Permissions in your Blade Template files

You can also check for permissions using blade syntax. Let's say for instance that you want to check if a user can browse_posts, simple enough we can use the following syntax:

@can('browse', $post)
    I can browse posts

Or perhaps you need to run an else condition for a permission. That's simple enough:

@can('browse', $post)
    I can browse posts
    I cannot browse posts

Couldn't be easier, right ;)

Last updated